Eastmans Archeological DiscoveriesI'm making a whole New website at eastmanarchaeology.com I perform remote worldwide exploration, searching for new archeological locations. The new locations are documented using photos and GPS coordinates.

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Home / Turkey / Turkey, Mount Ararat 1

I believe Mount Ararat has an abundance of physical proof a great flood happened. On top and around the mountain, I found evidence of the remains of many ships. They are not so difficult to find. First, you must let go of the common perception of a shipwreck that most imagine. Think logically. There was a Huge flood where all the land has been destroyed and underwater. In the region of Mount Ararat, the first land seen is an island near the mountain's top. Any remaining people would head straight for it. Not just one ship but many, so many the mountain is embraced in the survivors' ships and boats' remains. Please remember to look for ancient ships having been broken and piled on top of each other. You find them eroding out of the dirt and mud and melting out of the ice. Rarely seen is a ship's full profile, just some on the top layer of debris.