Eastmans Archeological DiscoveriesI perform remote worldwide exploration, searching for new archeological locations. The new locations are documented using photos and GPS coordinates.

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Home / Giant Native American Thunderbird Geoglyphs Rediscovered 2

An astounding discovery of a giant Thunderbird geoglyph has just been made. In Southwest Arizona, I found a mind-boggling area of geoglyphs that cover most of the surface of the ground. Among the geoglyphs is this colossal depiction of a Thunderbird! It measures a whopping 220 meters wide. Currently, the extent of the geoglyph area is unknown I'm still exploring the area.  There may be larger Thunderbird geoglyphs yet to be discovered. I see other types of geoglyphs, so more is yet to come. This area of geoglyphs can be measured in square kilometers! It's hard to grasp that millions of stones were placed by hand to cover the landscape with figures of animals. Be patient; there is more to come.  I hope to fill some gaps in the wonderful history and heritage of our Native American communities.