8 photos
I investigate a giant or colossal squid image I found on the internet. Just for the record, I did not discover this someone else discovered it and uploaded the image to Google earth previously and then it went viral.
Here are some image closeups of Antarctica landscapes taken by satellite. I'm looking for anything out of the ordinary.
8 photos
I investigate a giant or colossal squid image I found on the internet. Just for the record, I did not discover this someone else discovered it and uploaded the image to Google earth previously and then it went viral.
67 photos
52 photos in 2 sub-albums
GPS Coordinates of ship front half
Longitude: -66.273399
Latitude: 100.984632
34 photos
4 photos in 2 sub-albums
Are these ancient ruins on the Antarctic continent? Tell me what you think in the comments section of the image page.
12 photos
Open pics to the largest size and look closely. Some of the images look almost like exposed cities. The quality of some satellite images provided by Google can be inferior.
17 photos
Surprising images of new discoveries! Live giant squids attack. Ancient fossils appear from melting ice, some with soft tissue still intact. Ancient shipwrecks preceding the dawn of recorded history appear as the ice recedes in Antarctica.